Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sharp ER-2386S Tax Programming

The Sharp ER-2386S tax programming is pretty simple when you have a simple flat rate. Tax tables are a different story, but I don’t think anyone uses them any longer. The Sharp ER-2386S is capable of two tax rates, and yes many states and cities have several different rates. So here are the steps

  1. Turn the mode lock to PGM
  2. Enter 241
  3. press . (decimal)
  4. press 1 for tax rate 1 or 2 for tax rate 2
    press the @
  5. Enter the tax rate as 00.0000 so 8.8% would enter as 88000 or 7% would be 70000 DO NOT PRESS THE DECIMAL KEY, THE PROGRAMMING WILL ADD IT IN THE CORRECT PLACE
  6. Press the @
  7. Enter the lowest taxable amount ( I always use 1) so anything above $0.01 will be taxed if a taxable department. If you area is different enter the local minimum amount.
  8. Press Cash (CA/AT) to finish
  9. Repeat for tax 1 or 2 as needed.

Remember to return the key to the REG mode before trying.
Please post a comment if you are having problems
The Cash Register


Anonymous said...

I cannot enter 2 tax codes in 1 department. I have pst & gst tax to be applied on some departments.

I have gst set as tax 1, and pst set as tax 2. How do I apply them both.
The cash register just keeps beeping and error.

Dave said...

Hi Barb, so it sounds like you have set tax 1 and tax 2 to the correct rates already. So now we have to tell the dept. keys what tax rates they are taxable by. I will be able to look that up on Monday for you and post it. In the meanwhile if you have a manual I think it is pgm 211, but again I will post the exact answer on Monday when I have the manual in front of me.

Dave said...

OK Barb, here is how to program a department key to be taxable by tax 1 and tax 2

Turn Key to PGM
Press 211 .(decimal) @/for
Enter 11
Press the department key you want to program.
Press the CA/AT (Cash) key

Turn key to R and test. This should make that department key taxable by tax rate 1 and tax rate 2.

I can not remember if your PST is taxable by the GST? I don't think it is, so this should work. Please let me know if it did not.

Anonymous said...

My Sharp ER-A310 keeps beeping and wont open the drawer. I tried unplugging but still same problem. Anyone has any Idea?

Anonymous said...


Dave said...

On the Sharp ER-A310 that could be any number of things from the key in the wrong mode, or maybe you under-tendered, maybe started something in one mode then turned they key before you finished?

Look at the journal tape to see the last entry and make sure it is finished.

Dave said...

There are many ways to modify a dept button, so you will need to be more specific please.

gunner said...

For step 4, when ever we push 1 for tax rate 1, the register just beeps. same goes for tax rate 2.

Dave said...

My guess is that you have the register in a sale or some other unfinished mode. Turn to Reg make sure you can do a sale or complete one. Then try again

marinka62 said...

hi, how could i make a botton non-taxble (my "nontaxable merchandise" botton is taxble and i would like to make it non taxable)

Dave said...

Marina, below is a guess and only a guess. I can't vouch that this will work or not. That is such an old machine. Use the info at your own risk!!!!

Turn Key to PGM
Press 211 .(decimal) @/for
Press the department key you want to program.
Press the CA/AT (Cash) key

Turn back to Reg and try out. If did not work try

Turn Key to PGM
Press 211 .(decimal) @/for
Press 0
Press the department key you want to program.
Press the CA/AT (Cash) key

Again turm to R and try.


You should check out a new machine at

sharjeel said...

hi,i have sharp er2386 cash register i need to know how should i change the time in it and date\month\ please..thanxx

Dave said...

"you're killing me Smalls" Man I had to dig through the relics for this. OK to change the date on the Sharp ER-2386 Cash Register is as follows:

Key to PGM
Enter 250
Press the Decimal Key
Press the @/For Key
enter date MMDDYY
Press the CASH Key

Turn key back to R and try it!

Good Luck and don't unplug an old machine like this, it will most likely loose it's program because the re-chargeable battery is probably dead! You would not notice until power was lost!

Sai said...

How do i clear Z1 and X2/Z2 report? Thank you

Dave said...

I think it is turn key to Z1 and press decimal Cash, if that does not work try Key to Z1 press 1 press decimal, press Cash. Good luck

DebbieA said...

How do you clear off a tax and just have the 1 tax. I tried but it will not let me 0 the tax.

Dave said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave said...

Then you can program the register to just tax the departments with Tax 1 that should work.

Don't forget to check here when you need a New Sharp Cash Registers

Unknown said...

I did.TX1,50000(5%)for GST(FED),TX2,92500(8.5%*1.05=8.925%).the machine printed the confirmation note.
But,when I turn back the key to REG and run,the result is same as usual.

Dave said...

OK now you need to make the departments taxable bot both tax rates! You did the hard part and now just a little left to do! Good luck!

Unknown said...

“You did the hard part and now just a little left to do! Good luck!”
How to the "little left"?

Dave said...

At your own risk! here is how to program a department key to be taxable by tax 1 and tax 2 (I think) but you do this at your own risk!

Turn Key to PGM
Press 211 .(decimal) @/for
Enter 11
Press the department key you want to program.
Press the CA/AT (Cash) key

Turn key to R and test. This should make that department key taxable by tax rate 1 and tax rate 2.

I can not remember if your PST is taxable by the GST? I don't think it is, so this should work.

Also you might find something here Cash Register Manuals

Anonymous said...

hi,i have sharp er2386 cash register i need to know how should i change the time

mehrabanbary said...

i have er-310 sharp cash register can not save tax programming ,it save time and date but not taxe, I go throug tax procedure,2711 . @ tax1 130000 ca/at/ns .not saveit.

Dave said...

OK try this as long as Tax 1
2711 . @ 1 @ rate @ CA/AT

I got that from a A320 book and I think it programs the same.

Also are your sure the batteries are not dead? That machine does have user replaceable batteries I think? Sorry I did not sell a lot of A310 registers and it was a long time ago. But I think it pre-prints the date and time so that may not be being saved either?

Click here for Sharp Cash Registers

Loulouta said...

Hi Dave, I have the same problem has Barb, the tax1 should be taxed also the the taxe 2 for exemple:

2.50 TPS
4.46 TVQ
so you see the TVQ is taxed on 52.50 and not just 50.00. This is what I cannot do in the cash, it keeps the tax seperatly, can you help me please
Thank You

Dave said...

If you have a 2386 I do not think it can do that. Is that the machine you have? Is this for Canada? I thought in CAN they went to a blended rate or a Harmony Tax? Maybe not all the Provs?

Sharp Cash Registers

Anonymous said...

I have a Sharp ER-A310, it is completely dead! it does not power on, and there is no obvious reason why not.
it was working one day, the next morning nothing happened when i turned the key.

Dave said...

It is probably a fuse on the main board or the power supply. However you should not try and fix yourself unless you are comfortable with opening the register and inspecting the boards and power supply. If you took it to a repair shop and it was a fuse and it was found right away should cost around $150.00 or so. If they came to your location cost would be closer to $250.00 or so.

That machine is not worth spending $250.00 on since you can get a replacement for under $250.00 and that A310 is quite old.

Look at the Sharp ER-A320 Cash Register

Anonymous said...

I have a Sharp er2386s that needs a battery replacement. Having hard time trying to get to it.Unable to get cover off.Screw on side and inside journal cover not doing the job.Need to find a way to release from front also.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Scott

Dave said...

It has been a very long time since I have removed the cabinet from that register. First of all do you have a service key? If not I don't think it will matter if you get to the battery or not. Best I remember once you remove the two screws you already have I think you raise the back cabinet up and bring forward and the front will pop off. I think it will feel as though you are going to break the front but if memory serves it will seperate. Getting it back on is also a pain. Use these directions at your own risk of course! Sorry just has been 10 years since I have worked on that model.

Sharp Cash Registers

Anonymous said...

I spent about an hour with my sharp er-2386 managed to figure out how to change the taxes but I need one key that is 5% gst and the other key to be 12% gst and hst. I kept getting a total of 17% because it was adding the gst twice and then the hst. Please help me if possible. Thanks,


Dave said...

Anne, sounds like the problem is that the department that is getting taxed at 17% is taxable by tax rate #1 and tax rate #2 and it should be just one or the other. That is found in department programming not the tax rate programming. Sorry I do not have a manual handy or I would look it up. Pretty easy if you have the manual.

Shap cash registers