Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tax Programming for the Sharp ER-A530 Cash Register

  1. Turn the mode lock key to the PGM position
  2. Press 2711 Press the . (Decimal Button)
  3. Press the @/For button
  4. Press 1 (for tax rate one, replace with tax rate you wish to program 1 - 4)
  5. Press the @/For Button
  6. Enter the Tax Rate 00.0000 (USE THE DECIMAL KEY. )
  7. Press the @/For Button
  8. Enter the lowest taxable amount. (In some states only amount above the minimum is taxable. So if in your state if anything over $0.50 is taxable you would enter 50, if everything over $0.01 is taxable enter 1)
  9. Press the Cash Key.
  10. Return the Mode Lock Key to the REG Position and test.

Here is an example of the keystrokes for programming tax rate 1 for 8.8% in the Sharp ER-A530 cash register with everything of $0.01 and up being taxable. Remember the key must be in program mode.2711 . @/for 1 @/For 8.8000 @/For 1 CashAnd again remember departments, PLU's,and/or UPC's must also be programmed to charge tax or not.


Unknown said...

I also have an er-a530. The keys have been "re-positioned" and only the ones used have been programmed. Approximately 53. Now I have a couple of new items and would like to "activate" the rest of the keys. How do I do this? I ran an 1100 report and a 2119 report. Thank you.

Dave said...

Sorry, I don't have my manuals with me today as I'm snowed in at home. But are you sure the keys where moved or only programmed to not work. You should do a report that shows the status of each plu and see if they are set to inhibit or active. Also see if there is a report that shows key assignment. I'll post again when I'm able to get to mu office.