We receive a lot of request for free downloads for SAM4s cash registers. To the best of my knowledge there is no such thing posted for public consumption. Many of the SAM4s cash registers do include free programming software, however we email it or ship it to you with purchase of your new cash register.
Keep in mind you will still need a cable to connect your register to a PC. Almost all the SAM4s line use a serial connection to communicate, NOT A USB. If your computer or laptop only has a USB port you will need a USB to serial adapter, then a serial cable attached to that. We do stock one that we have used for several years that works well. Many people call us and they have a USB to serial cable, this will not work, must convert and also have a serial cable!
There are several polling and programming software available for sale. Those are PC Poll and the SAM series from SAM4s. Both products work very well.
Questions on which one to buy call us at 1-800-863-2274.
I have a SamsS4s 2000 using PC Poll. I'm traveling and for the first time in 4 years I got a communications error; [7]F and the communications fail. Called our cash register guy and he said "I don't have a clue". I've tested the internet connection, power cylced everything, validated PC Poll. What does this error code mean? I've searched manuals, etc and I can find nothing. Problem is that I'm dependant as I'm on the road. Usually close our registers with PC Poll rather than at the register.
I'm also on the road today so don't have access to manuals and the factory. However can you tell me what the normal connection is? You mentioned this is the first time being on road. Do you have static IP? Just one machine? This does in most cases works fantastic, little more detail and maybe I can help. I'm pretty sure if you don't have a static IP it is a moot point until you do! SAM4s SPS-2000 cash register system
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