Monday, November 09, 2009

SAM4s Cash Registers

So here at our office we sell Sharp Cash Registers, SAM4s Cash Registers, and Casio Cash Registers. All of them have their strengths and pro and cons of course like anything. However when all is said and done I don't think you can find a better value in Cash Registers then the SAM4s line up. They have the tiny entry level register, the mid range register, and then the top of the line SAM4s SPS-500 series cash registers that blow away the competition. For more on Sam4s Cash Registers check out CRS-USA and for more information and the best price around check out this link SAM4s Cash Registers


Unknown said...

Hi Dave,
I am programing a Sam4s 5200M, and can't program the tax shift. I set the lock to the P possition, enter 700000, and when I press the Tax shift key I get a "Warning, error in secuence" message. Can you help PLEASE?

Dave said...

I don't recall but I don't think you need to program the tax shift key. It is often used in the programming process and when you use it in the course of the sale. You might try SAM4s cash register support

Mairim said...

We've been using an ER-650 for a while, but today, in the middle of the day of using the register, it just turned off. It won't come back on. We tried different outlets and nothing. Does the machine have a fuse that we can check?

Dave said...

Long shot but I think the ER-650 has a power switch on the rear right side corner? Also it has a contrast adjutment on the right side. I have seen people spin that dial without even knowing and turn the display off.

If neither of those pan out do an intial clear even though you think it has not power.

Look for both of those. If not most likley a fuse? These machines very very rarely fail like you decribe.

Good luck and please let me know.

Mairim said...

We figured out that it is a fuse. we tried to change it but it just blows the new one. How can we figure out what's shorting the fuse?

Dave said...

OK, so going to assume you are using the exact same fuse? Anything different could cause a lot of damage. Even replacing with the correct one over and over and having it blow you are still at risk of doing more damage.

But if you are using the right the correct fuse and your power is good then I would look the main board and keybaord over very well for signs of a spill or burning.

Sounds like a short of course and you will need to track that down best you can by eye. Spills are easy to see even after they have dried, You will see the residue and sometime rust or other signs of breaking down.

Yes even a 650 can take a spill, you have the keyhole, the printer etc where liquid can enter. Or maybe it is just a failure or another item on one of the boards. Again quite often you will see them with the naked eye if you really examine the board.

If you decide on a new one try

Hope that helps


Anonymous said...

Hi, I have an ER-380M and i can't seem to get it out of the VOID MODE screen no matter where i turn the key to. Then when i touch ANY key, it starts to beep continuously with an EJ MEM FULL message. What is going on?

Dave said...

Couple things going on here. First sounds like you did not finish the transaction you started in the void mode. Might be able to finish by just pressing cash?

Second well just like it says the EJ is full! The EJ is the Electronic Journal. Since most machines these days do not include an internal journal tape the register companies starting making machines with an EJ where the data is saved in the machine until you require it, if you do require it that is. Most machines have program choices with the EJ like warn the user when EJ is full, Warn and Stop the machine when EJ is full, and ignore and overwrite the EJ when full (most people use this setting)

Do you have a manual? There may be one posted here SAM4s Cash Registers

vanda said...

hi, i have a sam4s er-380 and gives E01 all the time and i dont know what to do. i´m portuguese, so sorry about my english.

Dave said...

Vanda that is a simple error code. You are probably just ringing the sale up wrong. Make sure you do not use the decimal when entering an amount, make sure the drawer is closed, make sure the key is in R or Reg for more check here SAM4s ER-380M Cash Register

Anonymous said...

I am having the void issue with my 380M. Whenever I push any buttons it comes up with 'PLU No Data Err' which I cant seem to get past, even trying a Ram Clear doesnt work (cant complete the clear without the warning popping up). I would appreciate any help!

Dave said...

If you can't complete a RAM clear then there is a big problem with the machine or you did not follow the procedure right? The first error you are getting could just be as simple as the button you are pressing has not been programmed yet? Has this machine been programmed before or just out of the box?

Cash Registers

Real said...

Heya dave,

i've been searching the web and I can't an answer to my problem so i'm hoping you can help!!

I've got a Sam4s - ER-380M and I haven't used it for a while + turned it back on and it says "Void Mode" and as soon as i press any button it says: "Plu No Data Err".

I've tried Clearing all the data. The screen says: RAM ALL CLEAR. but i can't program the cash register or anything like that :S

Hopefully you can help!!

Dave said...

OK you mentioned you have not used for a while. What is a while? These machines all have re-chargeable batteries. Long periods of storage without the machine being plugged in can lead to the register's battery dying. They are designed to last about 90 days I think and I have seen some last much much longer. So before going further could that be the case here? If so the battery will need to be replaced, Ram All Clear followed by standard programming should take care of it. The battery goes on the main board of the cash register and may be soldered on.

SAM4s Cash Registers

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,
I have a Sam 4s ER-5200m and i need to how to void a transaction that has already ran through

Dave said...

Could not be easier to void an item after the sale on the SAM4s ER-5200M Cash Register. There is a void mode on your key lock, turn the key to void (will need V key or C key) and everything you enter is being voided (DO NOT PRESS VOID) make sure you finish sale with same type of payment that was first used. Make sure you turn ket back to Reg so you are not voiding all day!

SAM4s Cash Registers

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave I have a Sam 4s and when I turn it on im getting a in training message. Please help Thanks
Kirsty Adams

Dave said...

Kirsty it depends on the model but you need to exit the training mode. It is easy enough but you did not provide a model number. Just refer to the manual and you will find it.

SAM4s cash registers

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

I have a SAM4S Er 380M, I have a simple problem and that would be I have lost both keys to the till, would you jnow where I could aquire a new key for the till?


Dave said...

Wish all the problems were this easy to solve! Yes call 1-800-863-2274 to order or order online at SAM4s cash register keys

Unknown said...

I have a SAM4S ER-380M and it says Void any way I turn key and will not come off screen.But when I hit any key a warning sign pops up instead of the Void sign and makes a loud beeping sound do you why?

Dave said...

Maurio this should be a pretty easy fix. You started a transaction in the void mode. You must return to the void mode and finish this transaction. Worst case press cash and it will end it however you would have just completed a void transaction. If you still can't solve use the C key and perform an init clear which is in your manual. Either one will clear the condition

SAM4s Cash Registers

Anonymous said...

i have an error code coming up 'E]FULL'
any ideas would be appreciated. It happens when i try to put in my clerk code before entereing a transaction.



Dave said...

Sure, when you have an EJ Full error is it exactly what it sounds like. The "EJ" is the Electronic Journal. The EJ is an alternative to printing a on-going audit tape like older cash registers had to do. So a couple pitfalls with EJ's are 1. Filling your EJ which can stop your cash register dead in it's tracks. 2. Not having enough memory in your cash register to store information for a long time. 3. You forget how to retrieve the sales information.

When the EJ is full and it stops your register you must refer to your EJ reports and clear it (Z it out). You may also want to re-program your cash register to just overwrite the oldest part of the EJ rather then stop the register with an EJ full error

If you bought your cash register from us I'd be happy to help for free. If you did not buy from us we will still help just would mot be free. Call us at 1-800-863-2274 to set up a support call

SAM4s cash registers sales and support

Anonymous said...

We've been using a SAM4s ER-380 cash register. We got it used & never had it programmed to fit our business logo, product ID's, etc. My question is: How do you turn the key to program mode on a SAM4s ER-380 cash register?

Dave said...

Sure very simple fix. You must use the P key or the C key in order to turn the mode lock to the program position. Your register came with a large set of keys. A Reg, X, or Z key will not allow you to turn to program.

SAM4s cash registers

DKK in Wis said...

When you say "P" or "C" key; do you mean as in a set of keys or as in keyboard?

Dave said...

A key like a car key. Machine came with a set of keys each with it's own function

DKK in Wis said...

So obviously we need to get replacement keys for out SAM4s ER-380 cash register. 1st question: Where can we find replacement keys? 2nd question: Are all the SAM4s & Samsung keys "one size fit all" registers?

Dave said...

Yes the keys for models from the last ten years maybe longer are all the same. You can buy them here SAM4s cash register keys

Unknown said...

When sam4s turned on it shows Void Mode

Please help

Dave said...

OK pretty easy fix if you register is displaying "Void Mode" it simply means that your register has been placed into the void mode and you must finish the void transaction. Some registers have a Void mode on the key mode lock, other enter the void mode by pressing Void at the beginning of a transaction. Either way you must finish the transaction. You might be able to just press cash to finalize, you may need to enter an amount into a dept or PLU however that is what it is displaying VIOD and it will not let you move forward until you have finished. If you have a machine with a receipt and journal tape check out the journal to see what has been printed, often this will let you know what you have done.

SAM4s Cash Registers

Anonymous said...

I have a Sam4s 5200m. Just programed plu keys. One of them gives me a e08 error. rechecked 100 program to 4000000000. still same error. Help!

Dave said...

I assume you added an extra zero when you posted and it should have been 400000000 (9 digits total) which would make that PLU taxable by rate #1 and preset so pretty basic. I could not find information on the error e08. Are you using this as a preset? It is programmed like one.

cash registers

rob said...

Hi Dave, I have a Sam4s ER-380M. We recently got a creditcard machine so I changed the Charge button to Visa. I also made a few changes to the Cheque button. A while later a cheque came in and was cashed off using the cheque button as normal. When I went to use the till again, a problem arose. I am able to use the numeric keys to type in an amount but when I press any other key on the till it beeps and gives me the following message: Warning! Req. Endorsement. I have tryed to reset it according to what I found online but made no diference.
Can you help??

Dave said...

Rob, when you made changes to the check button you programmed it to require validation/endorsement. You first will need to do an init clear on the machine, which will clear the requirement for that last transaction, now enter programming, reprogram the check key without Validation/endorsement needed and go back and try again.


irfan said...

hiya dave
i have a er-420m
when i switch it on
i get void mode closed
please help

Unknown said...

hiya dave
i have a ER-420M
my scanner beeps but the barcode doesnt appear on screen and therefore i cant program
any ideas thanks

Dave said...

Hi, we do not have the ER-A420M in the United States, however I'm sure that error is the same as the models we have here. In most cases it is the scanner cable or the programming of the scanner. Could be as simple as the baud rate? See what the port setting are on the register and compare to the scanner, make them match.


Dave said...

So again we don't have the ER-420M here but probably same as the models we have. Closed means you need a cashier logged in that is all. Void means you were in the void mode, maybe right then or maybe you did not finish something in Void?

SAM4s Tabby Tablet POS system

Anonymous said...

HI, I have just purchased a second hand SAM 4S ER-380M and the number "1" key is stuck down and will not come back up. The display is the same as when the key got stuck even when turned off and on. How do I get the key up and how do I prevent this from happening again.

Dave said...

The problem on the SAM4s ER-380 cash register is not a programming issue it sounds like a sticky keyboard or a broken keyswitch. I would remove the keyswitch and inspect it for evidence of spillage. Make you you unplug the machine in advance. We do offer chargeable support at 1-800-863-2274 or at SAM4s cash register

Unknown said...

I have Sam 4s er-5200m. I need help programing preset tax on the PLU that is already preset price for each description that is taxable...ex..sodas,juices etc. I programmed it on er-390m before but I forgot. If I could remember something like ...PROGRAM ...100 SBTL...PLU...some # then XTIME

Dave said...

Jake, you are right it is 100 subtotal etc etc however you tehn need to fill in the 9 codes required N1 through N9 a 4 in n1 will make an item taxable and preset, zeros in the rest could work depending on whatever else you needed. In the programming manual it is on page 100. If you do not have a SAM4s 5200M manual I think we offer one for free download on our site.

SAM4s ER-5200M

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have Sam4s Er 380. How can I print a whole sales transaction at the en d of the day?

Dave said...

The SAM4s ER-380 cash register has what is known as an Electronic journal which replaces the audit tape. You can take the report or clear it. For more details SAM4s ER-380 cash register

Unknown said...

Hi Sam4s er380m say ram clear fail on printout slip wat can I do

scooby said...

Hi Dave I also have an ER-380M, problem is all modes are coming up as closed, I've looked in the manual but can't find anything about it, help!!

scooby said...

Hi dave I also have an ER-380M, problem is all modes are closed & I cant find anything about it in the manual, please help

Dave said...

Scooby you are in luck, that error indicates you need to log in with a cashier code. Even if you don't use cashiers one must be logged in, that's it. Super simple.

SAM4s SPS-300 series cash register

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,
I have the er380m register and just wondering if there is any way of resetting the register just for the day?
I have made a MASSIVE mess of the totals, and just want to reset, and re-enter?
Is this possible?

Unknown said...


Dave said...

Debra, we can help with that for our normal fee. To arrange support call 800-863-2274 If you bought it from us I can help for free of course, but if not happy to help for our support fees

SAM4s cash register support

Joe said...

I am using the Sam4s ER-380M and have been trying to program a second or separate liquor tax, which have not have had success, even using the owners manual.
I tried a few different procedures, and still cannot set a different tax rate for my liquor PLU. Now I must have done something wrong because when I go to cash out a transaction, the register will not open when entering cash. I have to press "No Sale" key to open my register.
Any suggestions?

Dave said...

Hi Joe, you must have also programmed something in the cash button as well. Difficult to say what happened just from your post. The register supports multiple tax rates and each PLU supports charging multiple tax rates are all of them. What you are describing with the cash button has nothing to do with tax rates programming. My guess is you inadvertently changed the cash button. You can try program scans to look at the set up and see what you change.

we are available for consultation for a fee. I should be able to correct it in 10 minutes +/-. We do charge for our time if you are interested you can reach us at 800-863-2274 for SAM4s cash register support

Unknown said...

I have a sam4s and when I turn the key to reg and X a bunch of random symbols come up and when I put the key in Z program or void an error message comes up saying warning mode key should not be turned

Dave said...

The random symbols is not a good sign as I'm sure you are aware of. Depending on the model register it could be any number of things. Most likely you will need to perform a memory all clear and re-program. Even that may not fix it. Maybe as simple as a bad battery.

We offer support and programming for SAM4s cash registers for a fee. You can give us a call for an idea of the cost. If not we have many new cash registers to select from.

Anonymous said...

I recently purchased an SAM4s ER-380. Nothing is printing on the receipt.

Dave said...

Could be because you are not using thermal paper? Or perhaps if you are using thermal and yes I know this sounds silly but you could have the paper in backwards. Only one side of thermal paper is treated to print in most cases. You would be amazed at how often we have people put the paper in backwards.

For SAM4s cash register support and programming

Unknown said...

Hi Dave have a ER-5200M first was in viod mode turned keys nothing push sub cash cancel clear nothing then I turned the power off turned the key to P and hold sub key turn power back on it did the clear but now it says void mode closed. Any help would be great thank you

Paul said...

We recently purchased a sam4s nr 500 series cash register It was working fine until the display screen faded out making it unreadable. Any ideas on how to fix this? Cheers

Dave said...

Paul, what exact model is it? You mentioned NR 500 so let me know which on for sure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave, this is just a simple question. Is there a way to get the ER cash registers to print a list of the plu numbers along with their names? (Ours is an ER-420M - I saw in an earlier post you assumed most models were fairly similar). We no longer have barcodes for some ex-stock and can't delete them without the barcode or barcode number.

Dave said...

Sorry the ER-A420M is not a model sold in the USA so I'm not familiar with it. It may have a report that displays items not sold? Perhaps software you can upload the UPC's/PLU's and sort them?

Dave said...

Devin, that only means you need to log in a cashier.

Evan said...

Hello Dave,
Hoping you can help. We have 2 ER-380's in out store and I need to change the description on one of the keys that it prints in the receipt. I know how.. or at least think I do per instruction manual and videos. key to "PGM", 300, sub total, "key", "name", x/time, cash/tend. Only problem is when I get to putting in name it beeps (continous) at me.. displays E00 (sequence error". Any thoughts? Thank you

Dave said...

It does appear you are doing it correctly.Are you registers a 380 or a 380M although that really should not make a difference just curious if we have to look deeper. Does it error when you press any number of the alpha code? Or when you press the X time?

Also to make certain for an "A" you are entering that code as 065 on the ten pad right?

Click the following for more information on New SAM4s cash register models

Unknown said...

I have a SAM4s ER-5200 cash register. Is there any way to do a void of a over ring?

Dave said...

Sure, the void mode. Turn the key to void, repeat the transaction exactly including payment.

That is an old machine check out the new SAM4s Cash Registers